Approved Minutes
Special Meeting of the Board of Directors
August 7, 2007

The Board of Directors (“Board”) of the Washington Materials Management and Financing Authority (the “Authority”) held a special meeting at 11:00 a.m. PDT on Tuesday, August 7, 2007, at 719 Second Avenue, Suite 1150 in Seattle, Washington.

Directors Present:
Mark Bracking, PC Salvage
Mark Dabek, Re-PC
Kyle Holifield, Wal-Mart
Mary Jacques, Lenovo
Tim McGrady, LG Electronics
Mike Moss, Samsung
John Swiderski, Deer Park Computer Sales and Service
Mike Watson, Dell Computers

Also Present Were:
Peter Lyon, Dept. of Ecology (Ex Officio)
Shad Pruitt, Office of the State Treasurer (Ex Officio)

Directors Absent:
Nick Ammann, Apple Computers
Brenda Mathison, Best Buy
Doug Smith, Sony

Counsel Present:
Tyson Kade, Van Ness Feldman

Call to Order

John Swiderski, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 11:12 a.m. A quorum of Directors was present.

Amendments to Bylaws

Discussion: The Board discussed the proposed amendments to the bylaws. After discussing changing the location of regular meetings and reducing the number of directors required to amend the bylaws, the Board decided to vote on the amended bylaws as currently drafted.

On a motion duly made (Swiderski) and seconded (Dabek), it was:

VOTED to adopt the amended bylaws as written.

The recorded vote was unanimous (8-0), and the motion carried.


The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 a.m.

Kyle Holifield
Secretary of the Board